

Responding to climate change using an adaptation pathways and decision-making approach


As part of the ADB CTI RETA on Strengthening Coastal and Marine Resource Governance in the Coral Triangle of the Pacific, WorldFish has undertaken this climate change adaptation project in Timor-Leste and Solomon Islands, and disseminated the findings through workshops in Fiji, Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu. The framework used in this adaptation assessment adopted a decision-making approach and included activities to (i) scope key natural resource issues underpinning fishing and farming livelihoods; (ii) identify potential impacts of climate change and options for adaptation; (iii) evaluate adaptation actions from a social, economic and environmental perspective, and (iv) plan implementation. The learning and knowledge products resulting from this project are aimed at adding value to past assessments of vulnerability to climate change and contributing to building adaptive capacity to enhance ongoing adaptation along uncertain and dynamic pathways of change.



Location: Timor-Leste, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, and Vanuatu


Agency: WorldFish (


Donor: Asian Development Bank/Global Environmental Fund


Target: fishers, farmers, NGOs working in climate change adaptation and rural development, regional and national-level government departments and representatives


Objective: Our objective is to (1) Assist farmers and fishers in the CTI Pacific Region (and neighboring countries) to: (i) identify appropriate adaptations in response to potential impacts of a change in climate, (ii) evaluate from a social, economic or environmental perspective likely implications of implementing these adaptations, and (iii) consider plans for implementing the adaptations. (2) Undertake these action research activities in participation with stakeholders in an attempt to enhance their adaptive capacity.


Output: Mid-term report documenting the development and use of a decision-oriented action research framework for engaging community members in an assessment of adaptation, and detailing its application in participation with members of coastal communities in Timor-Leste. Posters aimed at providing community members with a summary of how the framework was used in participation with communities in Timor-Leste, and some of the results of the activities and analyses undertaken.