

Decision making in a changing climate: Adaptation challenges and choices



World Resources 2010–2011 is a joint publication of the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Environment Programme, the World Bank, and the World Resources Institute. It focuses on how national governments, particularly those of developing countries, can make effective decisions in a changing climate.
The ways in which governments anticipate and respond to the short- and long-term risks posed by climate change can have lasting consequences on the future of their countries. Even though many adaptation activities are led and implemented by local governments and communities, national-level decisions play key roles in enabling local and private-sector adaptation efforts, especially by providing information and guidance.
Climate change will affect many sectors, including agriculture, electricity production, transportation, forest and land use, and water management. Climate change is not just an environmental problem; its impacts affect all departments of government. This underscores the need for a comprehensive response by government and for different approaches to decision making that respond to the unique nature of the climate challenge. This publication explores five key elements—public engagement, decision-relevant information, institutional design, tools for planning and policymaking, and resources—that we believe will significantly strengthen the ability of national governments to make effective adaptation decisions. Our arguments for why decision makers should focus on these elements are based upon the results of a wide-ranging and interactive research program (see Methods Box on page 20). Over 100 adaptation experts, public officials, sector-based practitioners and civil society representatives, from more than 30 countries, contributed to our research effort.

Read more: Executive Summary :

Read more: Full Report :


  • Climate change adaptation
  • developing countries