

CSR Asia Weekly Articles: private sector’s preparedness for climate-related disasters, health and livelihood impacts, and supply chain disruptions


These three articles describe ways in which the private sector can engage more effectively with the climate change threats and begin to build resilient businesses and communities. The article "Ice melt could sink Asia: What should business do?" recommends a set of concrete activities that the private sector can carry out in order to more effectively engage with climate change threats. The second article "Climate change threat to Asian supply chains" suggests that companies with supply chains in Asia help outsourced manufacturers to prepare for climate related disasters and make their facilities more robust and less susceptible to storms and water inundation. The recent article "Climate change impacts on health and livelihoods require a private sector response" highlights a significant role of the private sector in the disaster preparedness and designing of community investment programmes for vulnerable people with climate change in mind.

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  • Health
  • ice melt
  • livelihoods