

Climate Change Resilience in Coastal Cambodia: Adaptive Capacity & Human Development


This policy brief is based on the findings of a participatory research effort: ‘Climate Change Adaptation – Factors of Choice, Effectiveness, and Supporting Systems’, conducted in the provinces of Koh Kong and Sihanoukville, Cambodia in late 2010 and in January 2011. 

The study is an extension of work supported by Asian Institute of Technology and the United Nations Environment Programme, through the Adaptation Knowledge Platform to disseminate and exchange adaptation knowledge to a wider audience. The policy brief covers adaptive capacity gaps, such as whereis  the Cambodian coast vulnerable to climate change, how the individual and households adapt to climate change, what constitute the driving forces behind climate change adaptation, development service providers responding to adaptation needs. Perspectives of mal adaptation and the choices made have been looked into. The policy brief provides recommendations and action points to build resilience. 

To view the complete version of the policy brief please see, related files.


  • policy brief