
24.10.2012 - 25.10.2012

Pacific Climate Change and Finance Workshop



The focus of this workshop was on on enhancing countries capacity to access financial resources for climate change.  This was based upon the outcomes of an earlier consultation, held in Apia, Samoa (February 2012), with Pacific Islands Climate Change focal points and experts.  In that Apia consultation meeting, countries were asked to identify their priority needs for climate change adaptation, and the workshop agenda was developed along those needs identified.


Pacific Island counties being up-skilled in the following areas:
• Specific donors and type of climate change financing available to the Pacific;
Individual donor policies and financing criteria;
• Proposal writing, and log frame development; and
• Monitoring and Evaluation, and reporting requirements for donors.

The meeting also built on the previous UNFCCC meeting discussions on climate change financing, and provide further inputs to the preparations for the Doha Conference of the Parties.


» Click here to download the full Agenda
To meet the above objectives, the two-day agenda covered the following topics:
• Identification of key climate/adaptation donors (An external assistant conducted research on this in advance);
• The importance of, and how to network with donors;
• Donor requirements for Proposal writing, including log frames; and
• M&E/reporting requirements for donors.


The topics were covered through a mix of mediums, including:
• Expert presentations;
Donor discussion groups (focusing on donor requirements and networking);
• Practical exercises (Proposal development, log frames and M&E);
Written inputs (donor identification); and
Donor networking roundtable (lunch session).


A total of 6 sessions were organised corresponding to the workshop objectives outlined above. 
Some of the main conclusions of the workshop included:
More training workshops to build capacity of the countries on climate financing required;
Greater dialogue between countries and donors required to facilitate easier accessibility to climate funds;
Regular training  is required to familiarise countries with different donor requirements and respond for proposals; and
Need for a ‘ donor dialogue’ amongst donors active in the Pacific was identified.

Related Files


  • pacific climate change and finance workshop october 2012
  • samoa workshop