Disaster Resilient Food Storage

ENTRY DATE: 03.05.2015 | LAST UPDATE: 03.05.2015


  • Disaster Prevention
  • Reinforcing facilities and structures


Applicable immediately

Technology Owners:

  • Community
  • Implementing and support agencies such as NGOs

Needs Address

  • Disaster relief
  • Food storage

Adaptation effects

  • Reduced impacts
  • Heightens food security
  • Ensures better quality food for consumption
  • Contributes to adaptation through providing a reliable source of seeds for planting in the next season

Overview and Features

Disaster resilient food storage enables protection of food stores to ensure subsistence supplies in the event of a disaster, and beyond the disaster when stocks are low due to damage and destruction alongside limited ability to conduct livelihood activities. Traditional storage pits may require adaptation to ensure balanced airflow, moisture content and temperature, in changing climatic conditions. More technologically advanced large-scale systems employ computerised mechanisms to control temperature and humidity.


Costs for facility

Energy source

Energy for construction and maintenance of facility

Ease of maintenance

Storage equipment should be regularly maintained

Technology performance

Provide protection of food supplies from heat, frost and flood 


  • Should be used in conjunction with additional disaster prevention measures
  • Storage should be located in a place accessible even in times of disaster
  • Stores can be divided to ensure supply if one stock is particularly damaged
  • Specific storage requirements must be adapted according to the context of application and the food supply being stored
  • Expert consultation should be sought and scientific climate information integrated in the design of the storage pits
  • Training in stock selection, handling and storage preparation should be supplied to users

Co-benefit, suitability for developing countries

  • Reduces reliance on relief services
  • Generates heightened income through allowing farmers to save their crops until prices are most favourable – selling immediately after harvesting is likely to secure a lower price
  • Can be constructed by households using locally available materials
  • Manage and maintenance by households and food owners, allowing management of personal supplies
  • Storage design adapted from traditional technology is likely to be more easily accepted

Information Resources

FAO, 2010. Seeds in Emergencies: A technical handbook. FAO Plant Production And Protection Paper 202. Available at: http://www.fao.org/docrep/014/i1816e/i1816e00.pdf [22 January 2015]

The World Bank, 2014.  Project Signing: $210 Million World Bank Support to Bangladesh for Building Modern Food Storage and Strengthening Distribution System.  Available at: http://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2014/04/07/210-million-world-bank-support-to-bangladesh-for-building-modern-food-storage-and-strengthening-distribution-system [20 March 2015]

USAID, n.d. Hazard-Specific Disaster Risk Reduction Implementation Guide. Available at: http://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1866/12.30.13_Hazard_Specific_DRR_Guide_bleed.pdf [22 January 2015]

USAID, n.d. Pounds of Prevention: A Disaster Risk Reduction Story. Available at: http://www.usaid.gov/sites/default/files/documents/1866/10.31.12%20-%20USAID-DCHA%20Pounds%20of%20Prevention%20-%20Afghanistan.pdf [22 January 2015]

Warrick, O. 2012. The adaptive capacity of the Tegua island community, Torres Islands, Vanuatu. Australian Aid. Available at: http://www.climatechange.gov.au/sites/climatechange/files/documents/06_2013/usp-adaptive-capacity-vanuatu.pdf [22 January 2015]